Faith to Be a Risk Taker


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

Jul. 28, 2024

The sermon begins at 20:00 min into the video. The music "is licensed under CCLI copyright #2723035 and Streaming Media #22024223 licenses.

Unleashing the Power of Faith: A Journey of Choice, Commitment, and Adventure

Pastor Ron Vining's electrifying sermon illuminates the transformative power of faith in action. Through his own riveting story and biblical wisdom, he shows us how trusting God's call—even in the face of doubt—can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Imagine uprooting your life to move to Wyoming based on a divine nudge. That's exactly what Pastor Ron did, and the result? The thriving Polestar Outdoors youth ministry, touching countless young lives. This real-life testament proves that when we dare to step out in faith, we often discover blessings beyond our wildest dreams.

But Pastor Ron doesn't stop there. He challenges us to see faith as a three-part journey:

  1. Choice: Deciding to trust God's voice, even when it seems illogical.
  2. Commitment: Staying the course, fueled by unwavering trust in divine guidance.
  3. Adventure: Witnessing how our faith-driven actions can revolutionize our lives and communities.

Key Insights:

  • Faith is your superpower for facing life's uncertainties head-on.
  • Real stories of faith in action are more powerful than any theory.
  • Committing to your faith opens doors you never knew existed.
  • Divine guidance often leads to the most fulfilling adventures.

Your Faith-Fueled Mission:

  1. Seize faith-testing moments, regardless of the apparent risks.
  2. Reflect on how past leaps of faith have shaped your life's trajectory.
  3. Engage in faith-strengthening practices and put them into action.
  4. Become a beacon of inspiration by sharing your faith journey with others.

Remember, every great adventure starts with a single step of faith. Are you ready to embark on yours?