The Father Through Christ


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

Sep. 22, 2024

The sermon begins at 16:05 min into the video. The music is licensed under CCLI copyright #2723035 and Streaming Media #22024223 licenses.

Embark on a Journey of Grace with Colossians: The Father Through Christ

Pastor Dave's message in the Colossian series takes us on a profound journey through Colossians Chapter 1, verses 12-14 and 19-23. His central theme, "The Father Through Christ," unveils the breathtaking reality of salvation - a gift freely given by God's grace through faith in Jesus. It's like receiving a prepaid gift card, except this one covers the cost of eternity!

This transformative message echoes the power of Christ's sacrifice. It's not just about being rescued; it's about being relocated, redeemed, released, reconciled, and ultimately, secured in the kingdom of God.

Key Takeaways to Illuminate Your Path

  • Provision and Acceptance: Salvation isn't something we earn; it's a divine gift, waiting to be received and unwrapped through faith.
  • Rescue and Relocation: We are delivered from the clutches of darkness and welcomed into the glorious kingdom of Jesus.
  • Redemption and Release: Through Christ's blood, the chains of sin are broken, and we are set free from the debt we could never repay.
  • Reconciliation: No longer strangers, we are now embraced as beloved children of God, holy and blameless in His sight.
  • Security of Salvation: True faith anchors us in Christ, ensuring our salvation remains unshakeable even amidst life's storms.

A Call to Embrace the Fullness of His Grace

  • Reflect on Salvation: Take a moment to marvel at the completeness of Christ's sacrifice and what it means for your life.
  • Embrace Reconciliation: Let the truth sink in - you are no longer an outsider but a cherished member of God's family.
  • Strengthen Faith: Build your life on the solid rock of Christ, not on shifting sands of doubt or self-effort.
  • Seek Forgiveness: Keep your connection with God strong through regular confession and repentance.
  • Live a Holy Life: Allow the transforming power of Christ to shine through you as you walk in obedience and love.

Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of God's grace and the incredible gift of salvation. Join us as we explore the riches of Colossians and discover the abundant life found in Christ!